Monday, June 28, 2010

Europe (1815-1848)

1814-1815: Congress of Vienna
1815: Corn Law in Great Britain
December 1816: Corn Law riots in London
1817: Buschenschaft holds congress at Wurtburg
1818: Prussian Zollverein created
1818: International Congress held at Aix-la-Chapelle
1818: Mary Shelley publishes Frankenstein
1819: Metternich initiates Carlsbad Decrees
1819: Peterloo Massacre
1820: Several members of Cato Street Conspiracy executed
1820s: British Radicalism gets underway
1820: Louis XVIII's nephew (the Duke de Berry) assassinated
1820: Te Congress of Troppau
1822: The Congress of Verona
1823: Munroe Doctrine
1824: Louis XVIII dies, Charles X becomes French king
1825: Decembrist Revolt put down in Russia, Nicholas I comes to power
1825: Robert Owen founds New Harmony, Indiana
1827: Anglo-French-Russian navy destroys Turkish fleet, helping Greek nationalists
1829: Nations of Europe recognize an independent Greece
1829: First truly successful locomotive tested
1830s: Gothic Revival in architecture
July 1830: Charles X passes "Four Ordinances" in France
July 1830: July Revolution in France. Charles X abdicates, Louis Philippe becomes French king
1831: Mazzini founds Young Italy
1832: Goethe completes Faust
1832: Parliament passes Reform Bill
1833: Factory Act restricts child labor (Great Britain)
1834: Poor Laws passed (Great Britain)
1838: Anti-Corn Laws League
1838: Chartist movement begins
1839: Chartist movement gains 1 million signatures
1840: Frederick William IV comes to power in Prussia
1840s: Corn Laws repealed
1840s: Railway construction begins in England and Europe
1842: Chartist movement gains 3 million signatures
1847: Ten Hour Act limits women and child labor to ten hours a day (Great Britain)
January 1848: Marx and Engels publish Communist Manifesto
February 1848: February Revolution in Paris, barricades in the streets
1848: Louis Napoleon Bonaparte becomes President of France
March 1848: Metternich, terrified of unrest, flees Vienna
March 15, 1848: Hungary granted independence within the Austrian Empire, revolutions begin throughout Eastern Europe
June 1848: Pan-Slavic Conference held in Prague
May 1848: Frankfurt Assembly
December 1848: Ferdinand of Austria abdicates, Franz Joseph becomes emperor

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